STMA girls go 1-1 on the week | Free |

2022-09-24 08:19:51 By : Mr. Andy Yang

STMA’s Anika Rogers keeping her opponent guessing with her signature backhand slice.

STMA’s Anika Rogers keeping her opponent guessing with her signature backhand slice.

The STMA girls tennis team had a tough week as they battled to the end against two great teams. On Sept. 13, the girls traveled to take on the Bison.

The match started neck and neck. Senior Captain Anika Rogers (one singles) and sophomore Addison Nibbe (four singles), won both their matches with ease. With the score 2-3, part way through the match, the Knights we’re hoping to secure the final two points from three doubles, Mima Honzl and Cameron Libby, and three singles, Senior Captain Mylin Lemke.

Three Doubles ultimately fell to the Bison after going into a tie-beaker for the first set (3-7), and a second set score of 5-7. After a 2-6 deficit for Lemke in her first set, determined she fought back to take control of the second set, winning 6-3. She fell to Lauren Berg of Buffalo, 2-10 in a third set super breaker. STMA lost to Buffalo 2-5.

Wednesday, Sept. 14, the girls came out with focus to take on Rogers. The singles line-up for STMA gained momentum right away. All four singles spots won their first set. Though Rogers secured wins across the board in doubles, the Knights were still determined to sweep in singles.

Senior Captains Kyra Purrier and Mylin Lemke won each of their matches at two and three singles. As well as Nibbe at four singles. Senior Captain Anika Rogers won her first set 6-2, lost her second set 4-6, and in a heart racing third set, fell 5-7. The Royals defeated the Knights 4-3.

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